Sunday, June 30, 2013

My day in bullet form

Day 4 of the 30 day blog challenge and luckily it fell on a Sunday which is a bit LESS boring than my regular weekday

  • 12am-6am Sims 3 : First day I had it with this new expansion pack and it was the weekend, give me a break lol
  • 6ish-130pm : In dream land
  • 130pm : my bichons woke me up : feeling starving
  • check on J and get on the internet twitter
  • feeling extremely hungry and we agree we will wait til buffet at 4pm
  • 315pm : going to get ready/mom calls
  • 4pm : start getting ready 
  • 4:45pm : get to buffet
  • 5ish : we decide to stay in casino and play some slot machines
  • J doubles in machine, we play video poker
  • I double in video poker but feeling super sleepy (the casino food?)
  • window shop at casino stores since nothing looked appealing
  • 7pm :get home, feed dogs and convince J to nap
  • 8:25pm : talk to dad for a unusually long time (we text a few times a week but only talk every once in a while)
  • 9:30pm : call mom so we can talk and say goodnight before bedtime
  • 10:10pm : browse internet / blog

 not us but that's how we looked =P

My day wasn't that interesting lol now that I see it. We did walk our dogs before going out and when we got home and let them out to pee every few hrs we are home. Now I will prepare fruits for the week...and then more twitter/internet and start planning tomorrow's blog about the 31 days of love challenge, my meal plan for the week too. So I guess no Sims tonight! )):
Oh well I have priorities hehe most times.

Good night everyone! Goodbye June! So excited to welcome this new month with this marriage challenge, 4th of July, and just closer to being back home! Hope everyone had a great weekend!

Saturday, June 29, 2013

Perspective a book

 Day 3 of 30 day blog challenge - A book you love

The Inferno is a book I was assigned senior year of high school and like most school books I didn't care about it until I started reading it and it just grabbed my attention! I love the depiction of hell through the author's eyes and how he describes everything. No, it's not a scary book, it's just really damn interesting! It didn't change my perspective per se lol but it's a book I will keep reading over and over.

Gossip Girl book series I recommend to every girl! I started reading them my junior year of hs and I swear I devoured those books! The tv series came out my senior year and at the beginning it seemed like it was like the book which I liked but it actually changed almost immediately! At first I didn't like the change from the book but then I loved it better! Who doesn't love the tv Chuck Bass? I know I do!!! Anyway, I recommend reading the books too even if you've watched the show because it's different but still interesting and fun nevertheless.

There you go, two book reviews! What's a book that changed your outlook on life? or what's a book that you can read over and over and never get tired of? I would love to find more fascinating books! You know where to reach me, with a comment below, email me at or tweet me!

                        wife-nextdoor <3

Friday, June 28, 2013

value to die for...

Day 2 of 30 day blog challenge - Something you feel strongly about

There are quite a few things I feel strongly about but I will keep it on the positive side and talk about how wonderful and great it is to be married! I really feel marriage is one of the best things you can be part of in your life.

Marriage, if it's with the right person, will be sooo fulfilling. I was going to go on about why I feel so strong about it but it's summed up by the deep connection that you will not find with anyone else.

A lot of people end up marrying the wrong person or just spend time in a relationship with someone else but it's part of life and one should look at the positive of that experience and not let it destroy the possibility of a great marriage. I wouldn't mind having picked the wrong guy and spending 50 years with him if it gave me just ONE whole DAY with MY husband as his wife...and that, let me tell you, says a lot about the unexplainable bond and the astonishment of this feeling! Oh and to those of you who think living together is the same..let me tell it's not, a "piece of paper" really does change the relationship lol. I lived with J before and now as a married couple and it's more reassuring even considering that I never doubted "us", but it's just like the cherry on top 👌

Of course it's not all roses and butterflies and you have to work for it to be and stay the way you want it, but with your partner's help, it will be one, if not, the best decision of your life!


For those of you who are more scientific, into facts and research, just look at this bullet list of benefits of being married on the link below, which doesn't include all btw and see more reasons why it's a good thing. I cannot emphasize enough though...that only if it's with the right person!

Well that is all for the day...what is something you feel passionate and strongly about? You can share with a comment below, email me at or tweet me!

                        wife-nextdoor <3

Thursday, June 27, 2013

The BIG reveal!

THIS is what I've been hyping these past couple of days lol. After J finishes tech school we will be going to our first official AF base! 

The following are our top base picks in order:
 1.  TX
2.  MS
3.  Europe
4.  Vegas
5.  Florida

Now GUESS where we are going?!!!    da da da dum!!!!! 
Truth is that...

BUT I'm glad we can put top choices on a list hehe...I was really hoping for #1 but wasn't expecting it you know... the end, we DID get it!!! Whooo!!!! We are going back to my city! Texas yall! I am soo happy! I can go back to school state tuition and we can have our first child there and get help from our family! Both our parents are there and most of our friends! I love it! I couldn't be happier!

Now to start looking for houses! Ahh!!! I can't wait to find out the exact date we will be moving but sometime in Sep fo sho!

Is any MilSO interested in sharing if they got their top pick for their current base? If so, yall know where to reach me, comment below, email me at or tweet me!

                        wife-nextdoor <3

5 ways HE won my heart


I call my husband J or beau

     1.   He makes me feel beautiful just by the way he looks at me

     2.   He will wrap all the gifts he gives me even though he sucks at wrapping because he knows I love to open gifts like a little kid on Christmas day

     3.   He changed his party boy ways as soon as we became official without me having to ask him to

This is when I KNEW J was the one. I was getting to know a couple of guys, you know, going out to dates, nothing serious; what young people do. One day I had a date with x guy and J calls and asks if I want to hang...not even a formal date, just hang out with him. I immediately said yes to him without thinking twice about the other guy. Then it hit me...and I made some bs excuse to bail on the guy. *sorry!*

     4.   We learned what real love is...together

     5.   A poem. We had stopped talking because he wasn't ready for a relationship but just a few days later, he asked me if we could talk. I took him to this bent tree so we could talk on the bench like branch. He read this poem asking forgiveness for almost letting me go and at the end...he said "so will you take my hand, be my girl and I'll be your man". It melted my heart and even though I wanted to say yesss and scream of happiness I asked him "are you sure?" lol

*I asked J if he was sure because at that point I was done with games and I did NOT want to pressure him or anything. If we were together it was because we BOTH wanted to be in a relationship and we were both ready. And it worked out amazingly! 3 years after we were barely engaged!

Anyone have a romantic relationship or engagement proposal they want to share? Comment below, email me at or tweet me! I am a sucker for romance! *hint hint J!*

                        wife-nextdoor <3

Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Be Bold!

Summer is here and it means more free time and or new beginnings for some of us. Start a new hobby! Join a class! Do something new and you might even surprise yourself!

With that said, I decided to start a blog. This is a good choice for me considering I have a lot of free time and am going through a lot of changes. I will start it with exciting entries following this challenge I found online

Then tomorrow night will be THE BIG REVEAL!!!! Yes!!! We will finally find out where we will be stationed and I couldn't be more excited! We are hoping to go back to my hometown since we want to start a family soon and would appreciate being around family for our first child. If we don't get it, not going to lie, I will be very sad...but it will be an adventure for us to tackle together. I will be posting that as soon as we get home from the event. 

 Starting on July 1st, I will be taking part in and encouraging you lovely ladies to follow this "31 days of love" challenge. I found it a while back but I will be tweaking it in a modernized manner to fit our lifestyles and help us bring new things to our relationships that we sometimes overlook. Well I hope to be joined for that challenge and appreciate any comments, questions, or concerns regarding it. You can reach me on my blog or on twitter @wife_nextdoor

That is all for now, don't forget to check out the "about this blog" tab and if you're curious about me take a glance at the "more about myself" tab too. Thank you all for starting this journey with me