Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Saving vs Splurging - Baby Edition

Hello everyone! The past two days have NOT been easy to deal with...specially yesterday. I threw up 3 times and ended up going to bed with nothing but crackers in my stomach. Poor baby, I hope my prenatals didn't come out too. Today I've felt nauseous too but I've immediately tried to think about other stuff and take deep breaths. Hopefully it'll all get better.

Now on to the point of this post! Shopping for baby!!!! Monday we had an ultrasound but apparently the person who did it couldn't tell the gender...oh and what's worst? I won't even find out til early Dec. BUMMER. 5 more weeks, 5 more weeks!!!!! Below is a pic of U/S, anyone have the slightest idea of what gender it may be? Lol

But in all seriousness, so far I've come to terms with the reality that the gender of the baby is not up to us to decide or obsess over, but that either way we will love our baby because it's a part of our love and a piece of each of us! Our legacy in the world and we couldn't be more excited!

About 2 weeks ago I found a used wooden high chair in very good condition for only $35 when they are typically over $140 new! It's also Carter's brand! SCORE! I couldn't pass the offer knowing it really won't matter if it's boy or girl, I can always add a pink/blue seat cover. Picture shown below. Great deal huh?

Now there are some things I heard you should never buy used or you may not want to, like specially car seats and safety equipment because you really don't know if the item has been in an accident so you have to trust the seller.

If we have a boy we are getting a brown crib that eventually converts into a full size bed for a very reasonable price everywhere. If it's a girl though...there is nooo way we won't spoil her rotten considering there hasn't been a girl in J's family for decades! Well I came across this royal looking crib at Toys R Us which would definitely be a splurge since It's pretty pricey compared to other cribs but there's just no way I'll resist! Picture below. What do yall think? Made for a princess huh?

Well there you go. Saving vs Splurging. What did you save on and what did you splurge on? Well you all know where to reach me, comment below, email me at wife.nextdoor@yahoo.com or tweet me!

                           wife-nextdoor <3

Friday, October 25, 2013

14 Weeks

Pregnancy Q's

How far along? 14Weeks 1Days
Total weight gain/loss: tbh, I don't have a scale lol
Maternity clothes? I'm starting to realize that leggings are my bffs right now
Sleep: Sleeping great
Best moment of the week: No more morning sickness...hopefully
Miss Anything? Being more social
Movement: None
Food cravings: None
Anything making you queasy or sick: Not anymore but I had a cold
Have you started to show yet: If I stick out my tummy
Gender prediction: Girl
Labor Signs: None
Belly Button in or out? In
Wedding rings on or off? On
Happy or Moody most of the time: Ecstatic!!!
Looking forward to: Monday's ultrasound hopefully we can tell the gender!!!

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

It's all part of the plan

Pregnancy Q's

How far along? 13Weeks 5Days
Total weight gain/loss: Same
Maternity clothes? Jeans are tight or don't button so I need to get on it
Sleep: Sleeping like a baby
Best moment of the week: Moving on to 2nd trimester
Miss Anything? Wanted that margarita at Chilli's the other day...and I miss really enjoying my favorite foods
Movement: None
Food cravings: None
Anything making you queasy or sick: The past month I had started having a lot of nausea and even morning sickness...this week has been better...so far (knock on wood)
Have you started to show yet: If I stick out my tummy lol
Gender prediction: Girl
Labor Signs: None hopefully til end of 8months lol
Belly Button in or out? In
Wedding rings on or off? On
Happy or Moody most of the time: Now that MS has diminished I feel great!
Looking forward to: Monday's ultrasound
Speaking of our ultrasound, we cannot wait! We haven't seen our baby since it was 9 weeks and now its fully developed and bigger so it's even more exciting! Only one person can come w.me (so much for bringing my mom) so J will be recording the US so we can show our family!

Moving up

J and I aren't just lucky, we are blessed! We are very much in love with a baby on the way and are getting an amazing house to start our family in. Next Wednesday we are closing our house and the movers come on Thursday! (Halloween) It's a 4bedroom, 2 1/2bath house...I can't wait to start decorating for thholidays; I love holidays!
Well that's all for now, on Thursday I'll post our 14weeks chalkboard progress! Yall know where to reach me, comment below, email me at wife.nextdoor@yahoo.com or tweet me!
     wife-nextdoor <3

Friday, October 18, 2013

12 Weeks/Second Trimester

It's been a while since I've blogged and it's mainly because so many things have been happening. We had an amazing honeymoon on a cruise to Jamaica, Cayman Islands, and Cozumel Mexico. After that we got a sonogram at 9 weeks and we heard our baby's heartbeat which was just a wonderful experience! We also saw the baby moving its little arms. Sooo cute! We also moved back to Texas at the end of Sep to our first official Air Force base. I was sooo happy; I love this city! We are currently at my mom's and found a house already, but we aren't moving til Halloween! Sooner than expected so we are beyond excited!

Pregnancy Update
So on my last post I was bragging about how easy my pregnancy was going...well I was right, now I'm eating my words...and throwing them up too lol. On our honeymoon, week 6/7 I felt some nausea but I blamed the cruise and it stopped shortly. After that I'd feel nauseous in the car but that's about it...until 3 weeks ago! I threw up in the car on the way to look at possible houses! (Luckily there was a bag in the car lol) While it happens it sucks, but after it's all out omg you just feel sooo much relief! I thought it happened cause we were in the car moving but now it's been happening ever since. One time I did at midnight just to do it all over again right after waking up. NOT fun. This baby better love me forever and be a good boy/girl I swear lol. Yesterday I started eating crackers after waking up and neither then or today did I throw up *knock on wood*
Our next appointment is this Monday...I can't wait since it's been more than a month since my last visit. Well that's the update for now in a few days I'll post the questions about pregnancy and talk about my plans for future nursery! Yall know where to reach me, email at wife.nextdoor@yahoo.com or my twitter!
     @wife_nextdoor <3