Thursday, December 5, 2013

Gender Reveal!!!!!!!

This morning we went to our 20 week ultrasound! We were soo excited and the baby's features were sooo clear! Ahhh we love our baby! The baby was being very active and moving too much so the session lasted a while, so much that I almost fainted! Lol my pregnant followers know what I'm talking about, once you hit the second semester you can't lay on your back for long without feeling faint! I was like "umm I feel weird and lightheaded...I think I need water" ...and then the tech told me to lie on my left and gave us a few minutes. Now let's cut to the chase...

We are having...

a very very cute and healthy baby!!!!!!!!!!

Took off baby's full name for personal reasons but starts w.J like daddy!

Pregnancy Q's

How far along? 20 Weeks
Total weight gain/loss: 3lbs
Maternity clothes? I have two jeans, a few tops, and I'm loving leggings
Sleep: Good, no need for maternity pillow yet lol
Best moment of the week: Today! Finding out our baby's gender!
Miss Anything? Not lately
Movement: None...cause of the anterior placenta but hopefully soon!
Food cravings: Nope
Anything making you queasy or sick: Nothing thank God!
Have you started to show yet: Look at the picture and you tell me hehe
Gender prediction: Everyone was right...BOY!
Labor Signs: None
Belly Button in or out? In
Wedding rings on or off? On
Happy or Moody most of the time: Sooo very happy! We love our baby!
Looking forward to: Buying ONE boy outfit tomorrow (don't wanna have too many considering we will probably get some at baby shower!

A very big thank you to everyone following my pregnancy and blog! yall know where to reach me, comment below, email me at or tweet me!

                           wife-nextdoor <3

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Uncommon fact of my pregnancy

We had a doctor's appointment yesterday and everything seemed great! Surprisingly I've only gained 3 lbs, and I say surprisingly because my belly is already showing...the baby was measuring a little higher/bigger than the 19 weeks but that was okay. J and I got a little worried when the assistant took a while to find the baby's heartbeat, but she did and it was normal...149. According to our nurse practitioner though, it might've taken longer to find the baby's heartbeat because I have what is called an "anterior placenta". At first I worried a little but the nurse explained it to me.

As you can see on the picture, it all depends on the location of the placenta in the uterus. Most of the time, a fertilized egg will situate itself in the posterior uterus (the part closest to your spine), sometimes, the egg implants on the opposite side, closest to the abdomen. When the placenta develops, it grows on the front (or anterior) side of the uterus, with the baby behind it. This also explains why I still haven't felt our baby's movements...the placenta is cushioning our baby's movements. It made me a little disappointed knowing it'll take longer to feel our baby but I am still grateful that our baby is still doing great!

Well that's all I have today; I am getting ready for our one year anniversary and Christmas shopping for family! We cannot wait to find out our baby's gender in just TWO days!!! I will definitely share it with everyone on here so if you want,  comment below, email me at or tweet me!

                           wife-nextdoor <3