Saturday, January 11, 2014

25 Weeks

 Pregnancy Q's

How far along? 25 Weeks, 2 Days
Total weight gain/loss: 15lbs but maybe more lol
Maternity clothes? Yeah, I'm mainly in my maternity jeans and lose/maternity tops
Sleep: Awesome!
Best moment of the week: Spending time husband who's on vacation!
Miss Anything? Margaritas! lol
Movement: Yess and I specially loved the 2 times J has been able to feel our baby
Food cravings: None
Anything making you queasy or sick: Terrible heartburn earlier in the week!
Have you started to show yet: Yes sir
Gender: Boy
Labor Signs: None
Belly Button in or out? In ish
Wedding rings on or off? On, but every morning my finger is a bit swollen
Happy or Moody most of the time: Sooo happy except when I wanna look sexy and I just don't see it happening ahahah!
Looking forward to: Enjoying the rest of our vacation! #babymoon
Well that's my update! If you have questions, comments, or concerns, reach me by commentng below, or emailing me at or tweet me!

                           wife-nextdoor <3

Monday, January 6, 2014

Like a challenge?

As I shared on the first post of the year, one of my resolutions is to read the whole bible this year and I am going to follow through with it. (I failed last year...ooops) Anyway, now it will be easier for me since my amazing husband agreed to join with me! It truly makes my heart rejoice; I am truly blessed! <3 I found this challenge last year on Pinterest from a blog. Well I will share the first 7 days and hopefully you will join us!

Well it's pretty just read 4 numbers a day...of course if you are catching up, it will take a bit longer to catch up, but once you do, it will go by pretty fast! I love learning new things about it and really thinking about how it was possible or what it means! (I also learn new words ahaha). If you want to talk about it (like a bible study), you can be sure to contact me, ya know where to reach me, comment below, email me at or tweet me!

                           wife-nextdoor <3

Saturday, January 4, 2014

24 Weeks

Please ignore my ribbon lol
Pregnancy Q's

How far along? 24 Weeks, 2 Days
Total weight gain/loss: 15lbs!!!! (Gained 10lbs in ONE month! What I'm scared I'll gained over the 25-30lbs wahh)
Maternity clothes? Some but I wear lose shirts most time and thankfully it's winter time so I can layer
Sleep: Great but 2 days ago I was having hip pain from being on my left too much
Best moment of the week: Hearing everything is great in my pregnancy so far and New Year's Eve w.fireworks!
Miss Anything? The occasional margarita and maybe a night on the town for dancing lol...also realized I can't go ice skating like I love to every winter =/ #smallsacrifice
Movement: Yesss and I LOVE it!!! It's THE best feeling ever! I can't wait til J can feel the baby and til it shows from the outside lol
Food cravings: No real cravings
Anything making you queasy or sick: Not really except 2 days ago I threw up again after having milk and cookies but I think it was the fact that I ate in the car
Have you started to show yet: Oh yes, just look at the pic!
Gender prediction: It's a boy!
Labor Signs: None
Belly Button in or out? In ish
Wedding rings on or off? On, but every morning my finger is a bit swollen
Happy or Moody most of the time: I'm loving pregnancy, our baby, my husband and my life in general!
Looking forward to: Our getaway to Ohio and the casino in Oklahoma coming up! (:

Well that's my update! If you have questions, comments, or concerns, reach me by commentng below, or emailing me at or tweet me!

                           wife-nextdoor <3

Wednesday, January 1, 2014

New Year

This post is to recap the past weeks that have been busy! One of my New Year's resolutions is to post more often so it's only fair to start on the first.

We celebrated our one year wedding anniversary, the "paper" anniversary (which I will post about later)...had a maternity photoshoot (which I will post later as well lol). We had family over on Christmas Eve and visited J's family on Christmas. It wasn't very festive at all to be honest, the only festive thing was giving each other gifts and that kind of made me sad. Maybe next year I can make it funner and more Christmas like. As much as Christmastime seemed to be dragging on, it went by pretty fast...

New Year's Eve seemed like it was going to blow considering we didn't really have plans til last minute. We went to my cousin's, played cards, and drove back home to light fireworks. (All which my brave husband did by himself for our entertainment lol) I don't even know why I was stressing but I enjoyed every part of yesterday spent with my husband. And with that last sentence I shall write down some of my New Year's resolutions that I can name from the top of my head.

1. I want to enjoy every moment more.
2. Write more on my blog
3. Write on my personal journal
4. Be a better wife
5. Spend less on nonsense
6. Finally pay off my credit card (which I relied on this Christmas....ooops)
7. Get fit after baby
8. Be the best mommy I can be
9. Read bible in one year

Those are just a few; I'm actually pretty tired but even writing a few down makes it more probable that you will accomplish a goal. With that said, I hope everyone had a fantastic NYE and an awesome first day of the year...let's make 2014 our year! Well yall know where to reach me, comment below, email me at or tweet me!

                           wife-nextdoor <3