Saturday, November 30, 2013

Mango baby!!!

19 Weeks

Please forgive the crappy picture lol (bad lighting)

Pregnancy Q's

How far along? 19 Weeks
Total weight gain/loss: I really don't know
Maternity clothes? I have two jeans, a few tops, and I'm loving leggings
Sleep: Good just have to remember not to sleep on back sometimes I find myself in that position
Best moment of the week: Thanksgiving dinner!!! Nom nom! All that cooking was definitely worth it!
Miss Anything? Feeling like I look hot lol I feel like I look cute but it's not the same...specially since I love dressing up and stuff during the holidays. I miss cute dresses and heels!!! Wahh
Movement: None that I've noticed...I'm starting to worry =/
Food cravings: No real cravings
Anything making you queasy or sick: Nothing thank God!
Have you started to show yet: Yess I'm soo happy! In the last week and a half I'm actually looking pregnant, not just bloated/fat lol
Gender prediction: Everyone says boy lol
Labor Signs: None
Belly Button in or out? In
Wedding rings on or off? On
Happy or Moody most of the time: Sooo very happy! I love our baby!
Looking forward to: Thursday's gender reveal ultrasound!!!


I hope everyone had a yummy Thanksgiving full of the people you love! Family, Food, and Football! Lol well not really for us, we are more basketball fans. Anyway we had my parents and J's parents over for thanksgiving and we all went to town with the turkey and the ham ...ok enough about food or I'll be heading to the fridge for leftovers!

This year I am thankful for too many things! Like I always say, I am definitely blessed...we both are. This past year we were engaged, got married twice, the second being our dream wedding, honeymooned, had many moments with family, started our life together apart from everyone and then luckily ended up back near family! We enjoyed our time, traveled, and on my birthday I got the best gift ever! I found out I was pregnant with our first baby! We bought our first house and have finally settled it's time for the joyous holidays!

Well I wish you all nothing but the best, remember to be positive and enjoy the little things, they are what make up the big pictures anyway; we attract what we give and reap what we sow. Have a great weekend, yall know where to reach me, comment below, email me at or tweet me!

                           wife-nextdoor <3

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

First It list

How's everyone's month going? We just had our housewarming parties this weekend. On Saturday friends came over and then on Sunday it was a family event! Both successful and we couldn't be happier! All the downstairs has been decorated and it's basically done but I have been stalling the second floor of our house lol blame it on the pregnancy =P

Speaking of pregnancy...I have skipped the last two weeks of my chalkboard progress pictures because in reality, I haven't seen any progress on my baby bump! I still don't look pregnant and I believe I might've gained weight in the wrong place =/ Guess we'll see in early Dec. Now for a new part of the blog...

The IT list

  • Cooking. 2 weeks until Thanksgiving and that means we should get started with the planning. If you're like me and it's your first time hosting, you might want to start trying out a few recipes so you can impress and be more than ready by Nov 28th! Pinterest here I come!
  • Dog Clothes. Now that it's cooling down is it acceptable to put on clothes on your dog? Who am I kidding, I always do! But for those of you who only do so in the cooler months, this is the perfect time to warm your fur kids themed outfits or just cute little sweaters! Here are just a few I've seen.
One | Two | Three | Four
  • Fuzzy Socks. I'm not even going to lie, I live in these socks, but if you aren't the kind to wear them 24/7, now is the perfect time of the year to stock up and maybe even put some on your family and friends' stockings for Christmas! Never too early to start Christmas shopping #HousewifeTip
  • Hot chocolate from my Keurig! Yum! And if you're a working wife, you can always stop by starbucks for their seasonal flavors! You bet I get my very own red cup every time I go shopping. Irresistible 
Well I hope yall enjoyed this new part of my blog, I will continue to post It Lists as the year progresses. Yall know where to reach me, comment below, email me at or tweet me!

                           wife-nextdoor <3